Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Autism Inspired

I attended the Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) Conference last month. While there I was inspired to create an entire line for Autism. I found a way to make Autism beautiful for me. This is my first piece and there will be more to come. Each purse I make has a hidden pocket in the top of the lining.

I am so excited to finally have my first opportunity to sell my bags. One of my Aunts suggested that I take them to her friends house. Her friend makes amazing jewelry and has an open house before the holidays.

I am looking forward to the feedback and to see if any sell.

My Therapy

We all have so much going on in our lives. Me more than most. In 2005 my son was diagnosed with Severe Autism. To help myself deal with all the ups and downs, I have turned to crafting. I started with Knitting and Crocheting, then a little Scrapbooking. I found the scrapbooking hard because how do I scrap my son's life? He has 40 hours a week of therapy and I realized that I need something to take my mind off of Autism. So I turned to Sewing, I was able to dive right in. Then I thought, I should take a class to get the basics and understand the terminology. Now I can follow almost any pattern, and have started making my own Bags. Here are a few that I have made.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sew tote-ally Me

I wanted a place to display my creative therapy. I have a child with Severe Autism and my outlet is to sew, knit and crochet. I can't wait to get this blog up and going. I hope to have it started by 11/5/08.
Life is about finding beauty and enjoyment in the littlest of things.